Swinton Primary School

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School Safety

School Safety

Parents/Carers may only visit/enter the School Building if they have made an appointment to do so or phoned the school office to let them know. We have a strict buzzer enterance system to ensure the safety of our children at all times.

Contact the school if you want more information on this.

Outside school

Pupils enter and exit via the infant gates. The car park is strictly for staff only and out of bounds for all children. Please take care when parking near the school. Can we kindly remind you to obey the traffic laws and not park on the zig zag lines.

We would request that all parking remains outwith the "School Zone".

We have a school crossing patrol person on duty mornings and afternoon.

Inside School  

Please make sure your contact details are kept fully up to date with the school office in case we need to contact you during the school day.

If your child is on any medication whether long or short term please see the school office and complete the necessary paper work. 

If you have any questions regarding Health & Safety in school please contact the Headteacher.

Thank you.